Well Saturday 26th October was our AGM. It was pretty wet and soggy for most of the day but we had great time.
Thanks to all our members who took the time to travel to Carlton Lodge for the day and enjoyed the activities. As well as those that visited to be part of our AGM. For those of you that don't know what an AGM is, its the Annual General Meeting of the Charity. We present our Annual Report and Annual Accounts for approval and also vote on matters which affect the running of the Charity. Things like voting in new trustees, appointing auditors and other such matters. Its a legal requirement for us so thank you to all those tat attending making us quorate ( legal speak for enough people in the room to make decisions)
So once again thank you to
Borrowby Kidz
Youth Angels
Esk Valley Youth
Staithes Youth Group
Who all had a go at Axe Throwing, Archery, Raft Building, Canoeing and The Bridges Challenge on the High Ropes course.
I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did and we will see you next year - I'll try and book a dry day as well.